3 Versos

Wicked Wednesday: 3 Versos (2016)

The internet is sometimes a wonderful, beautiful thing. It was by pure luck and chance that I stumbled upon this Spanish-language short film 3 Versos. This one, kids, is an absolute fucking gem.

Two sisters, Catalina and Gretta, seek the help of a seer, Margery, after being haunted by sounds and voices in their house. They go to the old woman’s home where she is wearing a mask. Gretta explains that Catalina was attacked by the spirit in their kitchen. Knowing that they were in danger, they sought Margery’s help.

Using a circular spirit board, the three woman, plus the rather-quiet Regina, begin to contact the angry spirit be reciting the three verses. But the seance seemingly goes wrong when Catalina breaks the circle, unleashing half a dozen spirits around them.

Suddenly, Margery is hit with by the spirit Perla, and falls to the table, her mask tumbling off. When the seer raises her head, the girls see that her face is disfigured and they flee.

Only after they leave, Margery reveals her true face – that of a con artist. She enjoys her takings and revels in her successful trick. But later, she receives another call from Gretta, thanking her for getting rid of the spirit. Margery, believing the girl is just silly and superstitious, tries to get more money out of the girl by “cleansing the house.” She demands that the three girls return. Only Gretta is confused. Regina? Who the hell is Regina?

And with that, 3 Versos offers up a deliciously twisty ending to what is certainly a very atmospheric 10 minutes. The costumes are fantastic, the acting is solid (Edvan Galván deserves all the stars for the vaudevillian Margery), and the subtle hints of trickery are also excellent. While many of the elements feel familiar (the board, the haunted sisters), this short-film does with with such style that it feels full enthralling to watch.

Director and writer Antonio Yee also performs as Vander Von Odd, winner of the reality show The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula. 3 Versos uses all the glamour, theatrics and art of drag to create a fantastically heightened mood and unique aesthetic. Luck has found me an artist I’m head-over-heels for, but I’ll be staying of my own free will.